
My research is on cosmology.

All my papers can be accessed here.

I have published on a wide range of topics in cosmology, including the following (in roughly reverse-chronological order).

I welcome enquiries from potential PhD students.

Some interesting figures I made are shown - clicking on one will take you to the paper in which it appears.

  • My most recent papers investigate applications of extreme-value statistics to various astrophysical objects, including the calculations of:

    • the most massive galaxy clusters

    • the largest cosmic voids

    • the most massive primordial black holes

    • the extremal spins of primordial black holes

    • the most massive Population III stars

    • the brightest high-redshift galaxies observable by the James-Webb Space Telescope (JWST)

    • the brightest active galactic nuclei (AGN)

  • Attractor dynamics in cosmological inflation. Distinguishing inflation models with measurements of primordial gravitational waves.

  • Primordial nongaussianity and its observational signature e.g. in galaxy cluster abundances and the cosmic 21cm signals.

  • Primordial magnetic fields and its signature in the Lyman-α forest,

  • Dynamical dark energy models and its detection in weak-lensing statistics and primordial gravitational waves.